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Support System- Timesheet FAQ’s

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The Office 365 Timesheet add-in is designed to work efficiently with SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint Online (Office 365).

You can get the add-in from Office app store. You need to be logged in to SharePoint Online site as an admin. To view the step by step instructions for installing the add-in, please review the user manual at

  • Administrator
  • Manager
  • Employee

An administrator can add users, assigned role to user, add Projects and tasks.

  • Manager can add user as employee
  • Manager can assign role to user (Manager or Employee role)
  • Manager can approve/rejects timesheet submitted by employee.
  • Manager can add projects
  • Manager can add projects tasks.
  • Manager can have access to report.
  • Employee can fill new timesheet, save or submit timesheet.
  • Employee can add project tasks.
  • Employee can see view timesheet submitted by him.
  • Employee can have access to report.

If you are an administrator of 365 Timesheet add-in, then you can assign a SharePoint user as manager by using “User Role” from left navigation or you can assign a SharePoint user as employee by using “User” link from left navigation.

If your role is administrator or manager, then you can add/link existing user as employee to a manager by using “User” link given in left navigation. Here you can select employee and select manager.

If your role is administrator or manager, then you can change manager of an existing employee by using “User” link given in left navigation.

Yes, an administrator may be a Manager.

Yes, a rejected timesheet can be modified by submitter.

To remove the app from the site please follow the below steps:-

  • Login to sharepoint using Administrator account
  • Click on setting icon
  • Go to contents
  • Locate office 365 timesheet app
  • Click the 3 dots on office 365 app – a popup will appear
  • Click on three dots appearing on the pop-up
  • A remove option will appear click on remove and the app will get removed successfully.

Only one manager can approve the timesheet of the employee, if there is more than one manager then in that case the last manager which is assigned to the employee will get the authority for approval.

An email notification is sent to manager.

You can install Office 365 Timesheet add-in by going on Site contents.

  • Click on “Add lists,libraries and other apps” option.
  • And search for Office 365 Timesheet and click on “App details”.
  • You will get redirected on new page where “Add IT” button will be visible.
  • Click the button and add the add-in.
  • Employee and a manager who is also an employee of another manager can create their timesheet.
  • Admin can also create its own timesheet but for this admin should have its manager for approving and rejecting the timesheet.

Only the administrator can download the app from app store on SharePoint.

  • Only administrator of the Timesheet can create the User Roles for the application.
  • So it’s very important that Timesheet is used with at least one Administrator.
  • If Administrator is deleted then its cannot be retrieved again and the hierarchy of the site gets disturbed.
  • The associated manager of the employe can see the employe report.
  • The administrator of the add-in can also see all the employee report.

No, only one manager can be associated to the employee for the timesheet approval.

Yes, there can be more than one administrator in the system.

Yes, administrator can view all the timesheet of an organization.

  • To delete the task and Project from the application user first needs to delete all timesheet consisting the same task and projects you want to delete. once all the timesheet is deleted then only the task and project can get deleted from the application.
  • Also if all the timesheet are approved then first you have to reject all the timesheet and then delete the timesheet in order to delete the task or project.
  • As all the associated task and project once used in the timesheet cannot be deleted.
  1. Login with Admin user.
  2. Go to “Admin” section.
  3. Click to “Sharepoint” present under “Admin center”.
  4. Click on “User Profile” present in the left navigation.
  5. Click on Manage User Profile.
  6. Search for the desired user.
  7. Edit the profile.
  8. Check if the work email Id is present or not.
  9. If the user Id is not present please add the ID.


You can check with the settings of user with visibility email address.

  1. Go to User Profile
  2. Edit profile
  3. You will find an option as “People I follow”
  4. Just check that option and save the profile.

To Update the App version.

  1. Login to your SharePoint site.
  2. Open the site where SharePoint add-ins are installed and navigate to Site Contents.
  3. Find the Sharepoint add-ins which needs to be updated. Ex. “Office 365 Timesheet”.
  4. Hover on the app and click on the 3 dots to get the options
  5. Click on Details option.
  6. The message and “Get It” button will appear if new version of app is available.
  7. Click on the “Get It” button.
  8. Now a pop-up will appear for confirmation, click on “Trust It” button in the pop-up.
  9. Wait for sometime to update the app. It might take few mins to update.
  10. Wait a few moments and refresh the page. You will see that the App is updated.

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