In the past few years, Robotic Process Automation that is commonly abbreviated as RPA has gained tremendous popularity as it is known to augment both productivity and profits at full throttle. According to a study conducted by Statista, it is anticipated that the global RPA market would scale upto more than 13 billion US dollars by 2030, and this phenomenal increase shall be more than a whopping 12 billion as compared to 2020
However, to succinctly encapsulate for the beginners and the novice, RPA is a kind of business process automation that makes use of software robots or bots that undertake and perform the regular day-to-day, mundane business tasks in order to speed up varied other crucial business operations whilst also simultaneously diminishing costs.
Businesses operating in varied industry verticals are now shifting towards RPA in order to automate all their menial and repetitive work processes to ensure that their workforce invests time in various other high-priority and creative tasks.
However, having that said, it is important to note that RPA alone isn’t the sure shot key to assured project and enterprise success. In fact according to a report by Ernst & Young, a whopping 30 to 50 percent of the initial stage RPA projects fail due to varied unforeseeable risks. This is exactly where process discovery comes into play. It is actually the ultimate knight in shining armor that ensures seamless RPA implementation.
Now to briefly elucidate, process discovery is an automated, data-driven, and artificial intelligence (AI) technology that locates, maps and documents all the existing business tasks on a real-time basis. It is an incredibly useful set of tools that helps evaluate varied different workflows within an organization. It is used to comprehend and document everything to a tee with regards to an organization’s existing business processes, and it does so by employing both AI and ML in order to meticulously record all the probable variations of processes and thereby render suggestions for automation. Also, the data obtained is meticulously analyzed and process models or workflows are thereby established.
Process Discovery alludes to how enterprises discover each business process with its execution. It is a crucial part of process mining, and it additionally helps in designing workflows and implementing automation in a quick and efficient manner. Process discovery delineates complete end-to-end data-based visualization of a process. This includes varied nuances and detailed statistics on process variations.
Also, nowadays several renowned and growth-stage companies adopt contemporaneous process discovery in order to tap all the otherwise obscure opportunities. It particularly aids MSPs in identifying the crucial processes that are ready to bask into automation, and it does so by recording all the varied activities pertaining to staff, data and technology in order to comprehend the necessity for automation. Process discovery holds the most pivotal role in ensuring successful and hassle-free automation of any process.
It helps eliminate all kinds of guesswork, thereby ensuring a seamless transition to complete end-to-end automation, and also furnishing greater ROIs and savings by locating the finest processes to automate for MSPs.
Process discovery and automation therefore operate in close conjunction with each other, and while these technologies can individually benefit businesses undergoing digital transformation, however, the finest results may be reaped only if these agile technologies are used in conjunction with each other. Also, because most of the enterprises are now moving towards AI, therefore there is an indispensable need for process discovery to work in sync with RPA in order to expedite the RPA implementation.

A Quick Overview of How Process Discovery Skyrockets RPA Implementation

As also mentioned above, businesses that are en route to RPA usually stumble and are unable to scale their automation program post automating all the trivial and rather insignificant functions. Also, it is really baffling for businesses to decide the order of process automation for soliciting maximum results. This therefore not just negatively impacts the overall return on investment, but it also hampers the efficiency of an automation program.
Herein it is interesting to note that according to a recent study on RPA implementation, it was observed that about an enormous 41% of businesses were not fully confident to invest in RPA.
However, on the contrary, when enterprises get on their automation voyage with process discovery, then in that case, a business can easily decipher high-volume process automation, consolidation and elimination opportunities. Thus the RPA process discovery is a comprehensive, end-to-end and a faster tool that helps identify all the top processes that are on verge of automation. Process Discovery mushrooms the overall enterprise value by offering a detailed assessment, qualification, and prioritization of processes for complete automation readiness.
Businesses that implement such automated process discovery, acquire lucid visibility into “AS-IS” state for processes that otherwise offer sparse insights into deviations and variations. Also, since the discovery tool can be seamlessly deployed across different teams, technologies and processes, it can thus capture end-to-end operations that are spread across various apps that a business uses. Therefore, in this way, the companies can automate all their best processes and thereby ensure that they tap on and avail all the finest opportunities.
Businesses can thus hasten their Robotic Process Automation via the robust AI technology viz process discovery. Also, process discovery helps capture all the eclectic and rather labyrinth empirical data, and it can then transform the same into a structured and easy-to-comprehend dataset. Furthermore, the repetitive tasks are clubbed into meaningful events, and a process model is furnished for detailed analysis.
It is also interesting to note that the process discovery bots are silent observers as they monitor employees work in their systems in order to comprehend and capture all the varied business processes that function for a specific tenure. These bots operate silently on employee machines in a non-intrusive fashion without impeding the regular day-to-day workflow, albeit it ensures to collect data on a real-time basis. This data is then analyzed using advanced ML algorithms. Therefore this is how AI enabled process discovery helps skyrocket Robotic Process Automation in certain distinct business processes.