Excel VBA working with charts – Part 2

So my friends this blog is in continuation of my previous blog –  Excel VBA working with charts – Part 1

If you haven’t read it follow the link. In part 1 we looked on creating chart sheet in this section we will see about creating embedded charts.

We will use the same data sets which we have used in part 1.

Embedded Chart

Embedded chart are not separate sheet tabs in your workbook. They are embedded in a worksheet. Also embedded charts doesn’t have event handlers


Sub EmbeddedChartDemo()
   Dim chtChart As Chart
   Set ChartDemo = Application.Workbooks(“Chart Demo.xlsm”)
   Set DataSheet = ChartDemo.Sheets(“Data”)
   Set chtChart = Charts.Add
   Set chtChart = chtChart.Location(xlLocationAsObject, name:=“Data”)
   With chtChart
       .ChartType = xlColumnClustered
       .SetSourceData Source:=DataSheet.Range(“A4:G9”), PlotBy:=xlRows
       .HasTitle = True
       .ChartTitle.Text = “Sales Report For the Year 2017”
       .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
       .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = “Month”
       .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
       .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = “Sale Unit”
       ‘Specify the location of the chart
       With .Parent
           .Top = Range(“B11”).Top
           .Left = Range(“B11”).Left
       End With
   End With
End Sub


The above code is almost same as our previous chart sheet code. We will see the difference only.

For details read previous blog – Excel VBA working with charts – Part 1.

This line specify the location of the chart. This will create the chart on Data sheet.

Set chtChart = chtChart.Location(xlLocationAsObject, name:=“Data”)


The syntax is expression . Location( Where , Name )   

For creating it on new sheet.

Set chtChart = chtChart.Location(xlLocationAsNewSheet, name:=“DataNew”)


In that case you have to remove below lines as it will be a new sheet. Give it a try and see what happens.

‘Specify the location of the chart
       With .Parent
           .Top = Range(“B11”).Top
           .Left = Range(“B11”).Left
       End With


If you are putting chart on the same worksheet the you will need the below line to specify the position of the chart in the specified worksheet and in our case i.e. “Data” worksheet.

‘Specify the location of the chart
       With .Parent
           .Top = Range(“B11”).Top
           .Left = Range(“B11”).Left
       End With

Rest of the code remains the same.  


In upcoming blog we will see how to work with different chart types.


Thank you, all the readers will see you in next blog. Till then keep reading.


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